Southern Ontario is home to the most diverse populations in the country. Does your company reflect the diversity of your customers and clients in these areas?
Diversity and Inclusion helps companies meet their corporate social responsibilities goals — all while improving their profitability, productivity and public image.
Immigrants bring valuable and unique skills, education and experience to our region:
Over 51% of recent immigrants have a university degree compared to 20% of Canadian-born.
Although 23% of Canadians aged between 25 and 64 were born outside Canada, they accounted for nearly one-half (49%) of the doctorate holders in Canada and for 40% of adults with a master’s degree.
Communicating to a diverse client base: More than 70% of immigrants reported a language other than English or French as their mother tongue
Newcomers bring international experience and mindsets which can help diversify and innovate your organization
Despite the value, education level and experience that newcomers bring to our local economy, many continue to experience employment discrimination in Hamilton.
From: Discrimination Experienced by Immigrants, Visible Minorities, and Indigenous Peoples in Hamilton
Hiring newcomers in Hamilton makes a difference. Interested in diversifying your organization, connecting with newcomers and organizations in Hamilton?
A project of Hamilton Immigration Partnership Council.